Check Password & Confirm Password using JavaScript

Hello friend, hope you are doing well, today are going to create some useful project like Check Password & Confirm Password using HTML CSS and JavaScript. There are lots of JavaScript projects I have created for beginners to advance, I am sure these will be also very awesome and useful projects.

Check password and confirm password features are mostly used, while we are going to set our new password to login into a website. It helps users to remember their passwords because they have to match the password in both input fields.

Let’s have a look at the given image of your projects [Check Password & Confirm Password], The upper input field is inactive condition but the second input field and button are disabled. It means we can not enter characters on the second input field and we cannot click on the button. When the user enters eight or more than eight characters on the first input field then second input field and button will activate. After clicking on the button we know that our password matched or not.

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